Job Descriptions: North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

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On this page you will find the Job Descriptions for the training posts based at the above trust, they are ordered by specialty and then listed by grade.

Please be aware that this list contains the posts in each trust which are linked to an approved Supervisor and as such are training opportunities. Not all the below posts will be active on each current specialty rotation.

If you have questions regarding your placement please contact your Training Programme Director directly, or if you are not training with us at present please contact the HEE Psychiatry Team via

Please click on the links to access the PDFd Job Descriptions:

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Core Psychiatry Training Posts:

CT1-3 The Alders, NWBH

CT1-3 Fairhaven Young People’s Unit NWBH

General Psychiatry

Core Psychiatry Training Posts:

CT1-3 Sovereign Unit, Atherleigh Park NWBH

CT2-3 EIP Leigh Sports Village NWBH

CT1-3 Thorn road Clinic Halton NWBH

CT12-3 Priestners Unit, Atherleigh Park NWBH

CT1-3 Knowsley Resource and Recovery Centre NWBH

Higher Psychiatry Training Posts:

ST4-6 Perinatal Hollins Park NWBH

Old Age Psychiatry

Core Psychiatry Training Posts:

CT1-3 O’Hanlon Centre NWBH

Higher Psychiatry Training Posts:

ST4-6 Whitten Hosptial NWBH
