Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

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Liverpool is a city with a unique history and diverse, ethnic and socioeconomic mix providing excellent opportunities for inner city psychiatry experience.

Mersey Care NHS FT is a trust providing the full spectrum of general and specialist mental health services across the age range, including:

  • General Adult inpatient
  • General Adult community
  • Forensic low, medium and high secure services
  • Early intervention in psychosis
  • Perinatal
  • Liaison
  • Psychotherapy and personality disorder services
  • Older people’s and Young onset dementia services
  • Brain injury Rehabilitation
  • Homeless Outreach team
  • Drug and Alcohol services
  • Intellectual disabilities including secure ID, etc.

Busy but well-engaged and enthusiastic trainers across specialties support trainees in all aspects including audits (posters/publications), leadership, management and education opportunities.

Trainees are offered the opportunity to develop an interest in and involvement in undergraduate medical education with the University of Liverpool, with the chance to not only contribute to the delivery of undergraduate psychiatry teaching and to undergraduate assessment as an OSCE and LOCAS Examiner, but also to apply for an honorary contract as a Recognised Teacher, and then later hopefully, an honorary contract as a Clinical Lecturer with the University of Liverpool.

There is a three tier on-call system out of hours with a clear acting down policy, with no on-calls for trainees during the day. All trainees have access to smart phones and/or a laptop for remote working where required. LTFT trainees are offered posts in all the above specialties and support for trainees returning from break is established. Training posts are popular also with foundation trainees, with a high percentage opting to choose Psychiatry. There are opportunities to participate and lead in Summer/Autumn schools. Our GMC survey results are standing proof of the excellent training on offer.

The Trust has recently acquired Community health services for Liverpool and Sefton and providing opportunity to integrate physical and mental health. We believe in Perfect Care (zero suicide, no force first, physical health) and hope you can join us in the journey to achieve this vision.

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