RAP MS Teams Sessions: CT2 September – December 2020

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Please click on the below link to access the recordings for the CT2 September – December 2020 remote days, you will be taken to a sharepoint site where all the teaching recordings can be viewed.




We also added the PDFs of the power point presentations for each of the remote sessions from September – December 2020 for your reference below:


CT2 Overview of Research Methodology & Statistics (17.09.2020)


PDF content available via above link to SharePoint site




CT2 Overview of Research Methodology & Statistics Day 2 (01.10.2020)


PDF content available via above link to SharePoint site




CT2 Eating disorders (15.10.2020)


Eating Disorders PDF – Dr Michelle Evison




CT2 Old Age (29.10.2020)


Early onset Dementia – Dr Jones PPT


Substance Abuse in the Elderly – Dr Oraegbanum PPT


Avoiding confusion in Capacity – Dr Leonard PPT


Personality Disorders in Later Life – Dr Peters PPT


CT2 Perinatal Psychiatry & CASC Workshop  (12.11.2020)

PDF Content coming soon 


CT2 Physical Health Session – missed session from April 2020 semester (21.01.2021)

PDF content available via above link to SharePoint site


